Sunday, 1 September 2013

Change of Plan

As you know my midwife suspected that Baby C may be breech, so I went along to my presentation scan on Friday, I told Mr.C not to worry I would be fine, the midwife was 90% sure babys head was down so I expected to go in, be told "yep all ok" see you when you are in labour... Well No.. Low and behold Baby C is definitely in the breech position.

It's fair to say I was in shock, everytime someone has asked me if I'm scared about labout, I've been honest, I wasn't scared, I never saw my self having a traumatic labour, well it doesn't look as thought I'll be having a labour at all. The midwife told me that Baby was unlikely to turn by himself- he is in the Frank Breech position above and I don't have a lot of fluid for him to turn. I have been offered a external cephalic version (ECV) on Monday 9th September, I'll be 38 weeks then. I haven't decided whether to have this or not, it looks distressing for both baby and mum and only works 50% of the time, I am hoping once we go along to the appointment the consultant will be able to tell me the chances of it working on my Baby.
If nothing changes I'll be booked in for a C-Section sometime in my 39th week (if I haven't gone into natural labour by then!) I hate the thought of a C-Section, I hate that I won't have a labour story, I hate that I won't get to tell Mr C that I'm in labour, and I hate that I won't be able to recover as quikly as I would after a natural birth. I know that a C-Section is the safest option for a breech baby, I just never thought it would happen to me! So much so, I used to skip C-Section Birth Stories (silly me!)
So before the 9th I am going to try all the techniques for turning a breech baby naturally, last night I sat a bag of ice on top of the bump -cruel mummy, he did move but he didn't turn. Today I have been on all fours and on laying on a iron board leant to the sofa.. nothing so far !! I have reflexology on Tuesday so hoping she can work some magic too. In the meantime, I am trying to get my head around the fact I may end up having a C-Section, thinking of all the positives rather than the negatives!
I had a lovely email from Hayley over at telling me all about her great experience of her C-Section birth. I don't know anyone who has had a CS so it was so helpful to read her experiences.
Maybe Baby C thinks his mummy is too posh to push! Did you end up having a C-Section? Can you offer my any advice on turning a breech baby?


  1. I had to have an emergency c-section for different reasons and I did feel a little bit robbed, you soon get over it though. The thing that hurt me the most was that I didn't get to see darcie for a whole hour as I was put to sleep (which you won't be if you have a scheduled csection). You can read darcies birth story on my blog

    I hope baby turns so you can get the birth you want. If you have any questions let me know and I will be happy to help xxx

  2. Fingers crossed baby turns for you. Just want to say that if you don't want to have a csection then you don't have to. It is your choice. If you aren't happy then ask your midwife for more information about why they recommend csections, based on what evidence and what your other options are, do they have any midwives trained up on a breech delivery etc. Of course if you're happy with this decision then brilliant and ignore my ramblings. Oh and someone once recommended a chiropractor down in Poole I think who specialises in heavily pregnant women and badly positioned babies, rather than move the baby she moves your body to help the baby turn.

  3. Sorry to hear you might now have the birth you had hoped for. Fingers crossed that they can try and get him turned easily for you. I did chuckle at the bag of ice, I never knew you could even try such things.

    I think I'm secretly hoping that they tell me that I'll need a C-section, the whole natural birth scares the heck out of me.

    Looking forward to reading your updates :)

  4. Hi Sarah! What a cheeky baby you're having :) I often wonder how on earth they're comfy with their legs all up like that! I completely agree with Anonymous, having a C-Section is absolutely a choice, not a necessity- the research done regarding breech birth that has since determined it 'unsafe' is very outdated and at the time was found to be flawed, but due to the initial findings, it would be unethical to potentially put babies at risk, hence why further research hasn't really been done (if that makes sense?). A chiropractor is well worth a try, they would be able to adjust your spine and pelvis, and create further room to encourage baby to turn head down if he fancies :) Have you heard of Moxibustion? This website contains some fab tips on turning baby and covers what Moxi is all about, it has a very good success rate but sadly isn't offered on the NHS as it's an alternative therapy!
    Good luck with everything, if you'd like to chat (I'm a preggo midwife!) get in touch, I love chatting all things birth! Also, if you haven't already, have a look at the Birth Without Fear website, they have some lovely breech and c-section birth stories- and remember, by whatever means, you are mum to your lovely baby, you grew him, and you gave birth to him :) xx

  5. I was told at my last appointment - 31 weeks my baby was breech but have till 36 weeks where if she is still breech they will do a scan to confirm this and if she is then they will turn her around. However I feel by then she will be to big, I have looked into it about how they turn babies around as I hoping she does it naturally. I'm like you I haven't looked at c sections or anything, I did the other day eat bung midwives and didn't seem too bad but still not like the labour story. End of the day as long as our baby is here safe and healthy all what matters but its hard though to think you won't go through it, easier said than done but ill be stalking your posts for your updates! Pursuing for the best for you xx

  6. Aww I really hope things do go the way you want, as everybody should be able to have a try at the birth they want.
    I know two people who had the same problem as you - breech baby and low fluid - my sister was one and my cousin the other. Both of them refused the ECV (my cousin actually went along to have it but backed out as she didn't realised they had to inject her with something?!), and both went ahead with their c sections.
    Neither was pleased at the prospect but they've both since ended up pregnant again - my cousin opted for a second c section which all went fine, and my sister is the same stage in pregnancy as you are now and she's pushed for another C-section despite them trying to force her into a VBAC - her reason is that, although her c section recovery wasn't as easy as mine, it was a LOT easier than her natural birth recovery with her first child where she couldn't walk for a week and had to sit on a rubber ring! (third degree tear and infected stitches! OUCH!)

    So I guess any kind of birth can end up with a long recovery period, you just never know.

    I hope that whatever happens, it works out for the best for you and Baby C - I'm sure it will! xxx

  7. I'm the same when I hear people say they had a caesarean I kinda lose interest cause yeh their birth story isn't as interesting but you're right should still listen cause you never know you may have one yourself one day. But like a natural birth most people's caesarean story or reasons for one varies. Friend had one a month ago because her placenta was blocking the birth passage so she was scheduled for one. Hope results are good on the 9th.

  8. Thanks for your messages ladies! I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I may not be having a natural labour, however I'm thinking of the positives with this too!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Sarah

    Aww naughty baby C! Good luck with everything I hope it all works out. I ended up having a C-section back in June due to a few reasons and if it's not been your plan throughout your pregnancy you can feel a little disheartened. But the safest way to get baby out is always best :)

    I have recently started following your blog and loving your posts! I am a brand new blogger and will be posting my birth story over the next few days! hope you can pop over and take a look if you get chance!

    All the very best! Louise xxx

  11. I have had 2 c-sections my eldest was was breech and my youngest was until 37 where she managed to turn herself but after being told I was having a c-section from finding out I was pregnant I wasn't mental prepared for a normal birth so a c-section it was!

    What ever happens good luck x
