A friend of mine nearing the end of her pregnancy gave me this to use and I have loved it. I would never have bought one, but I definitely recommend this purchase for all parents to be. It has worked amazingly well from my 13 week stage; I have always been able to find Baby C’s heart beat without much drama searching for him. I didn’t drag Mr.C to my 16 week appointment so he didn’t get to hear the heart beat then so he has been able to listen at home. The first few times he would always get really nervous when I pulled it out incase we couldn’t find it; I of course had read all the information and knew not to panic if we couldn’t find the heart beat. This came in particularly handy when I slipped down the stairs, I spoke to the maternity unit in my Local Hospital and all they would offer is a listen of the heartbeat, this saved me having to go and sit in the ward for three hours waiting, I would have obviously done this is if I had any pains but luckily I didn’t, all that extra padding on me must have helped.
It’s so great for family too; my Mum, Nan and Sisters have all had a listen. It is the first thing my four year old Niece asks for when she comes round to see me, she loves playing nurse and putting the gel on and finding the heartbeat herself, she does a very good whooshing impression.
We also had a play at listening to everyone else’s heartbeat, mine was beating incredibly clear compared to everyone else’s, and I guess it is working twice as hard at the moment.
I haven’t used the other features but there is an option to record the baby’s heartbeat or even your own to play back to the baby once he is here, apparently it will be a familiar calming sound for him.
I am always so proud when I am able to locate the heartbeat straightaway, although he is getting a lot more active and seems to keep moving about.
You can purchase the same model here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Angelsounds-Fetal-Heart-Detector-Doppler/dp/B001NWDUE2
Have you used a heart Doppler? Do you think it will reassure you or make you constantly want to check all is well?